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Abu Dhabi
February 22, 2024

Kindergarten Athleta 2023-24 was organised with great excitement at GIIS Abu Dhabi!

The Kindergarten Athleta 2023-24 brought together the little athletes, teachers, and families for a day filled with laughter and games. From the very start, anticipation was high as the children eagerly awaited their chance to showcase their athletic prowess. 


The morning kicked off with a lively parade, where the young athletes proudly marched around the grounds, donning their team colours and waving flags with sheer delight. As the games commenced, the field became a bustling hub of activity, with children darting from one station to another, eager to participate in a myriad of activities. From relay races and sack races to bean bag tosses and obstacle courses, every event was met with cheers and applause, highlighting the spirit of friendly competition and teamwork that permeated the day.


Amidst the laughter and excitement, valuable lessons in sportsmanship, resilience, and teamwork were imparted, laying the foundation for lifelong skills and friendships. Medals and certificates were distributed, but the true reward lay in the smiles of triumph and the bonds forged throughout the day.


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